Along with resolutions and getting my Tax information together, I usually try to switch things up a little at home and change around rooms/ furniture, reorganize closets, etc (normally January a very slow Real Estate month). This year not only have I switched around a few rooms at home, an opportunity arose to switch to a better office space at the HER German Village location. Since my new office space at home isn't nearly as
photogenic, I decided to share a few pictures of the new office space. Before, I was in a good sized room, but with no windows, now I am in a much larger room with 4 windows overlooking 3rd Street in German Village. It is a much better atmosphere! And I can see one of my favorite GV destinations from my window.
Let this serve as inspiration...if you are bored over the next few weeks and want to switch things up, try changing around a few rooms/ furniture at home, you may be surprised to find it makes you feel like you are starting the year with a clean slate... it's very refreshing.
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